White Park Dental
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Preventative Dentistry at Home

August 2, 2016
Posted By: Dr. Sreemali Vasantha
concord nh dentist

Regular visits to your dental provider are your first line of defense against oral health issues such as tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, and oral cancer. This is why your Concord, NH dentist wants to see you every six months, or twice per year. We know, however that optimum oral health really starts at home, and this is why our hygiene team takes the time t to educate you about your oral health, and offer tips and suggestions for brushing and flossing. The truth is, you can actually prevent many dental issues with an excellent home care routine. Here are some ideas for preventative dentistry at home.

Brush and Floss Twice Per Day

This seems obvious, and we may sound like a broken record, but believe it or not, many patients still don't brush and floss regularly. Brushing your teeth daily removes the plaque build up that causes tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing helps remove the plaque from in between your teeth, because yes, you can actually get cavities in between your teeth that your dentist will have to fill. Brushing and flossing regularly is important for keeping bad breath at bay, and damaging plaque and acids away.

Use the Right Brushing and Flossing Techniques

The way you brush and floss your teeth is just as important as how often you brush and floss, and this is why our hygiene team spends time going over brushing techniques with our patients. Brushing too hard or vigorously can damage your gum tissue, so you want to use gentle massaging strokes. You also want to be sure to spend at least two minutes brushing in order to remove the most food debris and plaque.

Use an Antibacterial Mouth Rinse

Using a mouth rinse in addition to your regular brushing and flossing routine helps to give your teeth extra protection against the plaque and acids that cause tooth decay. Your dental provider can recommend the best rinse for your needs and it will hardly add a minute or two to your home care routine. As an added bonus, a mouth rinse will also help to freshen your breath.

Consult with Your Concord NH Dentist 

A White Park Dental we want to be your partners in maintaining great oral health! We offer a wide range of services to meet all of your dental needs at our office, and we welcome patients of all ages to our practice. Contact us today to schedule your next cleaning and check up.

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